Childbirth is the ultimate teacher.
Through the birth of my own four babies, on-going study, and witnessing the sacred work of birthing women, I continue to deepen my capacity as a guide and mirror for others. I am a lifelong student of the mystery and wonder of the feminine rites of passage: our own birth, menarche, childbirth, and menopause.
The moment I received the tangible confirmation, those two lines on my first pregnancy test, I became fascinated with all things pregnancy and natural childbirth. The birth of my first daughter taught me (and my husband) that childbirth is not a medical event. I am so grateful I experienced a positive, empowering hospital birth, however I did learn that I didn’t need the hospital!
My husband and I went on to recieve three more babies together at home. Two of these births were with midwives present and one was a planned unassisted birth. I know deep within my bones what undisturbed birth can be - the transformative power and ecstasy of birthing in complete peace and sovereignty.
In my 20+ years as a mother I have moved through many rebirths, healings, and challenges. These experiences have helped deepen my teachings and my devotion to continue learning about the magic and wisdom of our wombs.
I am honoured to walk alongside other women as they traverse their own profound rites of passage along the childbearing continuum. Beyond mothering my four babies, this is my calling and my life’s work.