A Beginners Guide to Essential Oils

Have you been hearing about essential oils, but a bit mystified where to start? Let’s go over some safety tips first then I will take you through three ways you may use essential oils.

Essential Oil Safety

Less is more. Essential oils are very powerful. Excessive use of essential oils may increase the risk for adverse reactions. In most cases, 1 or 2 drops are enough, and using more may waste your product.

Start with only one application and depending on the essential oil, you can gradually build up a few uses per day, if desired.

Pregnant or nursing? Again, while there are oils that are supportive of pregnancy and nursing, less is more! Always dilute with a carrier oil before use. Use them when you need them, to avoid over exposure. It is recommended that prior to using essential oils seek the advice and recommendation of a health care advisor who is experienced in essential oil usage. Some oils that pregnant people may choose to avoid use of include: Cinnamon Bark (Cinnamomum verum), Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea), Sage (Salvia officinalis and Salvia lavandulaefalia), Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare), Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis), Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), and Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens), as well as the blends and supplements that contain these oils. Either avoid or heavily dilute Peppermint (Mentha piperita). Please note: This is not a complete list of oils to avoid while pregnant.

Children and babies. Only use topically or aromatically, never internally. Always dilute oils for young ones. You can make your own roller bottles or purchase doTERRA’s Touch Oils that come pre-diluted. doTERRA also has beautiful children’s line of roller bottle blends.

Avoid the sun with citrus oils on the skin. Be aware that certain citrus oils can cause a red rash or sunburn when exposed to the sun.

Have a carrier oil on hand. If discomfort occurs, apply coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil or another carrier oil to the affected area. Do not use water to dilute.

Three Ways to Use Essential Oils


This is the most common way that essential oils are used. It is a very easy and safe way to start incorporating oils into your daily life.

The three ways to use essential oils aromatically are:

  • Simply Inhale.

    • Place a drop or two in your hand and cup your hand over your nose and inhale.

  • Diffuse.

    • Use an ultrasonic essential oil diffuser. I recommend an ultrasonic diffuser out of any others as the oil's composition isn't compromised. Instead the vibrations release the oils into the air as a vapour. All you do is add a few drops of oil and water.

  • Steam.

    • Have a cold? Boil water and pour into a bowl, add a couple drops of a recommended essential oil. With your head about a foot above the bowl, cover your head and bowl with a towel. Inhale. (This can be intense, so be careful!)

essential oils vancouver, bc


Applying oils to our skin is an effective way to receive their benefits. I like to apply them to the bottom of my feet, as that is where we have the biggest pores. Also, our feet have the thickest skin on our bodies, therefore we are less likely to have an adverse reaction.

  • Dilute with a carrier oil, such as fractionated coconut oil, and apply to the skin.

  • Use neat (not diluted) and apply to the skin.

  • Add to a bath.

(Never apply essential oils to mucus membranes (i.e. the nose) or open wounds. Not all oils are safe to use topically.)



This is the most controversial way of using oils, so I suggest your do your own research and follow the protocol that works best for you.

Katherine Blanco Birth Doula - Vancouver, BC

That being said, I have had good experiences using a few of the oils internally - I would only use essential oils that I trust to be pure and therapeutic grade. 

  • Add to a drop to your water, tea or juice.

  • Place a drop under the tongue.

  • Use in a veggie capsule.

  • Add to a favourite recipe.

(Not all oils are safe to use internally.)

Have questions? Want to try doTERRA’s essential oils? I am just an email away! Send me a note to hello@katherineblanco.ca or fill out this form to connect with me. I would love to send you a sample!

Please note: This is to be taken as a guide. Always consult with a certified aromatherapist if you have any concerns.